Name: Supriya Limaye
Business Name: VerificationX Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Location: Pune, India
Establishment (Year): 2015
Category/Industry: Human Resources and Consulting
Profession/ Specialty: Background Verification
Social Media: LinkedIn
Company Detail: is a leading background verification company serving globally, led by experienced and versatile professionals across the industry. It works with corporate and individual clients to help them verify the credentials of the people. Their experienced and dedicated team equipped with state of the art technology and proven processes, provides high quality verification services to the global clients. VerificationX is a first of its kind company which brings in the accurate, flawless and reliable information in verification business to the corporate and individuals around the globe.
Unique Selling Proposition or Competitive Advantage:
A La-carte Pricing Structure, Strong backend process
Challenges Faced During the Journey
Awareness of the importance of background verification in every organisation
Advice for Women Entrepreneurs:
Be positive & Believe in yourself.