Q.Great Companies : What are the various services that you provide?
Shalini Juneja: At Being Alive, we provide the most valuable & result oriented workshops and coaching sessions for Excellence, Wellness, Happiness & Holistic Development. Our motive is to work with Leaders, Managers and their teams of professionals; inspire them to perform and experience freedom, power & success in every area of life. As an ICF accredited Coach & NLP Practitioner by Dr Richard Bandler; I personally lead sessions, workshops and customised training programmes in various organisations, Institutions, companies and corporate. Also provide personal coaching (one to one) sessions to individuals looking for an exponential growth in career or business.
Q. Great Companies: How do you ensure the efficiency of your work?
Shalini Juneja: I always believe that “Whatever you do, either do it with passion or not at all”. Ans my success mantra in life is, “DO WHAT YOU LOVE & LOVE WHAT YOU DO” your efficiency and effectiveness lie in your way of being and the quality of your work which comes with a lot of practice. I love to inspire & empower people to live a powerful life they always dreamed of so when your passion becomes your work your work becomes your passion, you do everything to ensure your efficiency.
Q. Great Companies: Why do your clients select you over your competitors?
Shalini Juneja: In Coaching Industry one of the most important thing that matters is your Credentials; I’m an ICF accredited coach, trained in 11 ICF coach competencies defined by International Coach Federation. And also, a licensed NLP practitioner by Dr. Richard Bandler, Co-Creator of NLP form The Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming USA. I’ve been contributing to education & training industry for last two decades and leading my sessions & workshops as a Life- Executive Coach for last 5 yrs. I’m not in this profession by chance or by circumstance; I chose to be a coach to follow my passion and calling to empower and enable people & contribute to their lives with my coaching skills and transform the world to be a better place to live in using amazing tools & techniques.
Q. Great Companies: What are the major issues faced while running this firm?
Shalini Juneja: In 2014 when Being Alive came into existence out of my transformation; I just wanted to inspire & empower people. I only used to think that “How can I contribute to people who are dealing in their lives and have no access to come out of it.” I wasn’t sure of anything and had no guidance, no team, no strategy and plan. I also had to face a lot of criticism from family and people around, who thought that it was not a wise decision to leave a well-established career and start something new from the scratch which involved a lot of risk in my career. But I was somehow very determined and firm on my decision as I believe that, in every big step there’s always a risk involved but there’s a bigger risk in playing safe. If a batsman keeps taking singles, he’s playing safe but also has no opportunity to get a six without taking a risk to hit the ball hard for it. So, I was clear, “life happens out of our comfort zone.”
Q. Great Companies: What led you to this field?
Shalini Juneja: I started my career in 2000 as an educational counsellor. It was an amazing journey of 14 years where I grew working with many organisations as project leader, consultant, trainer, advisor and Business Head. My confidence, commitment and leadership skills made me a performer throughout my career graph.
I got introduced to this wonderful and life altering process called coaching in 2011 and experienced a shift within me that has changed my perception for life. Suddenly my entire focus got shifted from me to others; For the first time in my life I asked this question to myself, “What’s the purpose of my life and what’s my contribution to the world?” I was a transformed human being and strongly felt the need to spread this beautiful work and let the whole world know about this. In 2014 I resigned from my job where I was holding the position of Business head in a leading company and decided to follow my new dream to transform people by empowering them.