Name: Shailja Singh
Business Name: Shailjaz Art Factory
Location: Lucknow India
Establishment (Year): 2020
Category/Industry: Travel, Food, Event and Entertainment Art
Profession/ Specialty: Senior Artist, Home Decor Expert
Social Media: Instagram
Company details:
Shailja Singh, an artist and a person with great love for creating home decor products and upcycling items began her journey in the year 2020 with the support and motivation from her best friend, parents, and husband. She gained inspiration from the environment, improved her skills, and started to create unique fusion arts and decor products. Also, she generously organizes free workshops to pass on the knowledge to budding artists and help them grow.
Unique selling proposition/ competitive advantage:
Shailjaz Art Factory, a small enterprise specializes in unique selling propositions, including upcycling waste materials into useful products, budget-friendly pricing, and customized products for special occasions. She never turns down a customer assignment and always strive to deliver the best quality products. She emphasizes that her business model focuses on providing practical and personalized solutions for the customers' needs.
Challenges faced during the journey:
Shailja Singh had faced several challenges at the beginning stages of her journey, including finding the right art craft materials, art forms, supplies, and sales strategies. However, she overcame these hurdles by continuously upgrading her skills and learning from others. Although it was initially challenging to use social media tools for business, she had studied other successful individuals and implemented similar tactics to grow in the market.
Advice for women entrepreneurs:
It is important to recognize the value of unlearning and continuously upgrading one's knowledge and skills. Learning is an ongoing process that can bring numerous benefits and opportunities. Without the willingness to learn and improve, one may struggle to keep up with the competition and hinder their own progress.