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Shahnaz Shaikh - Great Companies Women Entrepreneur Award Winner 2020

Shahnaz Shaikh


Research and DEvelopment, Marketing, Manufacturing, sales and distribution etc.

Company Details

We are a business that invents technology for sustainable farming, which helps to address the global hunger threat and food security issue. Our ground-breaking crop protection technologies and crop management solutions are transforming dynamics of the farming industry, enable millions of farmers to produce high-quality, toxic pesticide residue-free food and increase the yield by optimising the use of available resources. Our business evolved around the environment and sustainable resources development, to achieve the world’s food security by minimising the farmer’s dependence on toxic chemicals those are known for badly polluting the air we breathe in, the water we drink, the soil in which we grow our food.

What challenges have you overcome to reach where you are now

MILESTONES 2001: Started working on an idea about physical pest management device 2001: A started study on entomology and behaviours of Insects from the 3rd quarter 2003: Research on a change in the behaviour of insects in response to particular signals started in the 4th quarter of this year 2005: Research on a change in the behaviour of insects in response to the combination of signals in the 2nd quarter of this year 2006: Work on product prototype development began in the 3rd quarter of this year 2007: Work field trials of prototype started in the 2nd quarter of this year 2008: Experienced some issues in an insect communication system, the glitches were found in the system later. 2008: To resolve issues in insect communication system started working on the development of advanced insect communication in the 3rd quarter 2010: Developed prototype based on advanced insect communication system in the 3rd quarter 2010: Field trials of an advanced insect communication system began in the 4th quarter 2011: Field trials on advanced insect communication system continued 2012: Field trials on advanced insect communication system continued 2013: Advanced insect communication system assessment completed in the 2nd quarter 2013: Started working on establishing commercial entity Microbiz Network India as a commercial entity 2014: Registered entity Microbiz Network India as Proprietorship Company in the first quarter 2014: Commercial production of Electronic Pest Control Traps started in the 3rd quarter 2014: Commercial sales of Electronic Pest Control Traps started in the 4th quarter 2015: Supply to the state governments agriculture department and export to African countries started in the 2nd quarter. 2017: Artificially Intelligent 2nd Generation Insect Communication System (AI2GENICS™) tested successfully in the 4th quarter of 2017 2018: Commercial production of AI2GENICS™ based Artificially Intelligent Pest Management Traps (AIPMT™) began in the 1st quarter 2019: Prototypes of Artificially Intelligent 3rd Generation Insect Communication System based device is tested successfully and the same shall enter into limited quantity production phase for Beta trials in the 3rd quarter

What message you want to give for other aspiring women entrepreneurs

Always be a first-rate version of yourself , instead of second rate version of somebody else.

To what do you attribute your success

The couple of factors that stretch among EVERY version of success are: 1. Determination. 2. Drive. 3. Discipline. 4. Deserving Action.

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