Name: Sara Khan
Business Name: Jot Down Ventures
Location: Delhi, India
Establishment (Year):2020
Profession/ Specialty: Enhancing Personal Brand by enabling people to become an Author
Company Detail:
About Jot Down Ventures - It is a one-stop solution for anyone who wants to become an author. It has two verticals - an academy and a publication house under the parent name.
Unique Selling Proposition / Competitive Advantage:
It is a one-stop solution for anyone who wants to become an author. It has two verticals - an academy and a publication house under the parent name.
Challenges faced during the Journey:
She was always good in the technical aspect of business but didn't know how to implement her idea into a business format. So, she learned about business and have been a constant learner understanding how to run a successful business and help people in their author journey.
Advice for Women Entrepreneurs:
Sara would like to advice all female entrepreneurs that there might be times when we may feel like giving up. Instead of letting this particular emotion overpower us, she wants to take this as a challenge and rise up once again.