Business Name: RBK Educational Institutions
Name: Niyati Kanakia
Location: Mumbai, India
Establishment (Year): 2000
Category / Industry: Education and E-Learning
Sub Category / Sub Industry: Education
Number of employees: >100 employees
Website URL:
Company Detail:
RBK Educational Institutions began in 2000 in Mira Road with a simple and honest goal of providing the finest education for the student-parent community in Mira- Bhayandar. RBKEI Schools foster exquisite academic involvement by encouraging learners to take the initiative and become creative thinkers. Spanning across Pre-K-12 years, RBKEI schools are designed around each learner’s abilities and, primarily, work towards building core academic and personal skills. Currently, over 10,000 students study with them in National and International Curriculum Schools across Mumbai and Gujarat.
The solutions to Customer problems:
To inspire young minds to meet their full potential as learners. The intent is to create a supportive educational environment that produces self-motivated students and
reliable future citizens.
They aspire to have their students develop into lifelong learners with a sense of purpose, sound moral judgment, and commitment to making the world better.
Unique Value Proposition:
RBKEI Schools foster exquisite academic involvement by encouraging learners to take the initiative and become creative thinkers. Spanning across Pre K-12 years, RBKEI schools are designed around each learner’s abilities and, primarily, work towards building core academic and personal skills.
Target Market:
Students and Parents
Company’s Internal Objectives related to innovation, customer service, and operational excellence:
Finest Educational Institution
A customer’s review:
They aspire to have their students develop into lifelong learners with a sense of purpose, sound moral judgment, and commitment to improving the world.
Benefits to Employees:
Positive Work Environment
Effective Communication
A Fair Salary, Job Security
Freedom in the Workplace
Work-Life Balance
Offer Training and Development
Growth Career Opportunities
Community / Society Service:
They aspire to have their students develop into lifelong learners with a sense of purpose, sound moral judgment, and commitment to making the world better.