Name: Pooja Pandey Tripathi
Business Name: Arogya Physiotherapy
Location: Bangalore , India
Establishment (Year): 2009
Category: Health & Wellness
Profession/ Specialty: Physiotherapist and pelvic floor therapist
Website :
Social Media : LinkedIn
Company Detail:
Arogya Physiotherapy Clinic offers a multidisciplinary approach to patient care. Each practitioner has a wealth of clinical experience available for the treatment and prevention of a variety of clinical conditions.
After treating many cases successfully, Arogya envisioned helping the masses with specially designed exercises for different types of pains, aches, and ailments, which can be practiced in the comfort of one's own home through the help of the channel Arogya Physiotips.
Unique Selling Proposition or Competitive Advantage:
Paying more attention to overall women's wellness and health, including postpartum health.
Challenges Faced During the Journey:
Oh, many challenges have been encountered, and there is not just one; many challenges will keep coming.
Advice for Women Entrepreneurs:
Never accept an idea or technique failure as her failure. She needs to get up again and shine. Being financially independent is very important for everyone, irrespective of their gender.