Name: Pooja Jain
Business Name: Kineer Services Pvt. Ltd.
Location: Pune, India
Establishment (Year): 2018
Category/Industry: Education and Learning
Profession/ Specialty: Skill Development
Discovery coverage ''Bharat kay Mahaveer''
BBC coverage
Company Detail:
To create a paradigm shift for people in sexual minorities, Kineer Services Pvt. Ltd was founded. It strives to protect the emotional and physical health of this underserved population in addition to aiming to provide members of sexual minorities with possibilities for respectable employment.
Along with her team Kineer, Pooja has been trying to advance and mainstream India's marginalized transgender minority. Around 450 transgender people have benefited from her work on Project Trans-formation, which has helped them develop their skills and find employment.
Unique Selling Proposition or Competitive Advantage:
It aids in the integration of the transgender community in India.
Challenges Faced During the Journey
To mention a few, there is prejudice, discrimination, and taboo that were the biggest challenge in her journey.
Advice for Women Entrepreneurs:
She advises every woman to open her wings and soar high.