Company Name : PharynxAI
Founders Name : Amit Sehgal
City : Noida
Country : India
Founded In ( Year) : 2020
Employee Size : 11-50 employees
Funding : Self-Funding
Business Models : Business to Business to Consumer (B2B2C)
Business Category : Voicetech, AI/ML, Meta, IoT, 5G
Website URL : LinkedIn URL :
Company Detail:
PharynxAI is amongst the few players, pioneering Deeptech via Voice. It is a platform that helps brands to interact with their potential customers at any time & anywhere just by the voice of a human command. PharynxAI VoiceTech solutions are capable of bringing all possible and existing devices on a unified platform that can be operated through Voice User Interface (VoiceUI).
How you innovated or reinvented yourself or your business during the pandemic, the economic ups and downs, or other challenges?
It has been an ardous albeit very interesting and learning journey. Voicetech is an upcoming area and customers need to be convinced about its value proposition.
Top Reasons WHY Customers Choose to Do Business with You
Pharynxai started as a pure voice application company in Jan 2020, with a services model. However it was a new concept and with Pandemic hitting, it became very challenging to reach out and convince customers. We used the time to develop proprietary tech stack and demo applications. Basis this we were one of the top contestant at a NASSCOM Hackathon. We again had to pivot in 2021, as some external tech we were using announced end of support. We focused on leveraging our end to end stack with IoT and won an Hackathon by MRSI (Market Research Society of India). This led to a successful pilot with the largest FMCG in India. Now we are basically a product company with proprietary hardware of the IoT device, filed patents that came out of this development, and the new concept is catching a strong traction with use cases across multiple Industry.
Future Roadmap
"We are looking at scale manufacturing to ensure supply and optimise cost. There are two versions planned. (i) As a small box that can be kept near the sales counter – In this avatar, smartbuddy acts as retailers buddy to keep record such as inventory, handle reminders, act as pay assistant, in future version an entertainment source. It will also collect valuable data that is useful for the industry for retail measurement. (ii) As a kiosk or a standee – In this format, smartbuddy will act as source of information and data collection. It can also be used for virtual try-ons, advertisements and activations. Working with our customers, we have also developed a use case that takes them to Metaverse initiation Once roll outs in India are achieved, we have plans to target western market."
Founder's experience and background
IIMA, IIIT-B alumni with technology strategy, innovation and product development as core competencies. 22 years of work experience with organisations such as CGI, Nokia, GSMA among others. Serial Entreprenuer and speaker at various National & Global Tech conferences.