Name: Mita Sanghavi
Business Name: M P Sanghavi and Associates LLP
Location: Mumbai , India
Establishment (Year): 2004
Category: Legal and financial services
Profession/ Specialty: Practising Company Secretary
Website :
Social Media : LinkedIn
Company Detail:
Started as a sole proprietor in 2004 as a first-generation company secretary in whole-time practice and in 2020 converted it into LLP handling 150 corporate clients in industries like Pharma, Healthcare Media and advertising, Lubricants and Specialty Oil products Education, Gold and precious metals, Celebrity management and other allied services and also a Registered Insolvency Professional since 2018.
Unique Selling Proposition or Competitive Advantage:
Client-centric advice, Cost-efficient and timely service, and Complete Confidentiality are the core values which are also their USP.
Challenges Faced During the Journey:
Started business initially with 2 small kids and a joint family with a traditional mindset initially from home and within a few years with more no of clients had to shift to a rented office and also carried her 2 daughters to her office until they grew up and as on date handling 150 corporate Clients.
Advice for Women Entrepreneurs:
It may be hard for women to have a work-life balance but it’s not impossible. Some years of struggle would lead you to a strong career so follow your instincts and be compassionate.