Name: Megha Bhati
Business Name: Sociobliss Pvt. Ltd.
Location: Mumbai, India
Establishment (Year): 2018
Category/Industry: Advertising & Marketing
Profession/ Specialty: Complete digital marketing strategy
Social Media: LinkedIn
Company Detail:
Sociobliss is a melting pot of vibrant ideas blasting off together to produce superb customer experiences. Having faith in it, its clients allow our team to use their online environment for possible results. Its team works under the strategic guidance of a gap for brands for customer interaction while driving awareness, engagement, and conversions for its clients. It has built competence in interaction with a variety of audiences.
Social media, Media Buying, and Planning its caliber to encompass them around your brand. Its digital solutions focus on a holistic approach across the web to achieve your advertising & marketing goals. Social media marketing, SEO, Performance marketing, Website development, and branding
Unique Selling Proposition or Competitive Advantage:
It tries and bridges the gap between brand and consumers with relevant storytelling and its core strength is ROI driven marketing which makes all the difference
Challenges Faced During the Journey
She started tiny, then started increasing gradually as the market was affected by digital marketing organizations. Making a name for oneself is quite challenging at first, and working for CVID for two years did make growth very slow, but her consistency in continuing to do well by her brands helped her achieve sustainable growth and longer retention.
Advice for Women Entrepreneurs:
The entrepreneurial journey is exhilarating. There are good days and bad days, so maintain equilibrium and keep going. Don't give up; keep swimming.