Great Companies: Please tell me something about the business and how did you come up with such an idea?
Marc Millar: My business and client stretches across the UK and is fundamentally based on providing trusted advice based on value placed on the client.
Great Companies: What are the various services and products provided by your company?
Marc Millar: Holistic financial planning, retirement, business protection and personal protection advice along with investment insights and estate planning.
Great Companies: Why should one choose you over others in this field?
Marc Millar: Because it's not about chasing the financial rewards, it's all about looking after the client and going beyond their expectations where possible ad the financial aspect will take care of itself.
Great Companies: What are the struggles and challenges you face?
Marc Millar: Levels of competition, internet accessibility for clients, costs and charges in industry, restrictions.
Great Companies: What do you think are the few main things which are most important for a successful business?
Marc Millar: Its brand, reputation and honesty at all times - building a business based on introductions from clients ensures trust is paramount throughout.