Name of Company: KeyLearning Performance Consultants
Founder Name: Vijay George Kuruvilla
Can you provide us with a description of your business? What was the purpose of starting this business? What issue did it want to solve?
KeyLearning Performance Consultants is a Leadership Development and Business Performance Coaching consultancy.
1. We partner with our clients through the delivery of Instructor-led learning workshops, experiential learning and small-group interventions. (Solutioning through Delivery)
2. Learning Strategy and Training Design are focus areas for most organizations, and we partner with them in building the best-in-class Learning Strategy, Training designs and Structure to build successful outcomes. (Solutioning through Consulting)
3. Professional / Executive Coaching is an important area of expertise that is offered on a one-on-one or small team basis. (meant to improve personal /team focus, skills and resultant success). This can be also used for High-Potential employees for preparing them for the next level. It could also be for Trainers and Facilitators in upping their skillsets. (Solutioning through Coaching)
Few of the interventions are as follows (and not limited to these):
• Self-Leadership
• Situational Leadership
• Emotional Intelligence
• Managerial Training- Foundations, Advanced levels
• Leadership Training - different levels (Crucibles, Value-based )
• Building, Managing and Leading Teams
• People Skills, Inter-Personal Relationships
• Accountability
• Customer Delight and Relationship Management
• Change Management – Behavioral and Systemic
• Sales Organization skills - Selling, Sales Management and Sales Effectiveness
• Key Account Management
• Building a new Mindset - Carol Dweck
• Life Orientation workshops - Stuart Atkins
• Training Design and Strategy workshops
• Conflict Management and Workplace skills –
• Negotiation Skills
• All Competence skills (Communication, Presentation skills, IPR, Motivation, Customer service etc)
• Assessment Centers
Purpose of starting the Business:
KeyLearning Performance Consultants is an outcome of many years of desire and planning to enter the L&D and Performance consulting space with interventions that are both practical and provokingly invigorating. After working almost 25 years in the corporate and consulting world, I felt my experience and interest can be offered to partner with clients who consciously aim at development and growth of people and business.
We aim to be the First Choice of organisations who want to improve the competencies, commitment and culture of their people and business verticals.
How is it different from other competitors?
The major premise on which hinges all the offerings and ideas of KeyLearning is the earnest confidence that individuals and teams can experience the Joy of Success through unlocking their innate Potential.
This is the primary approach for any intervention offered by KeyLearning. The aim is to ensure that with each KeyLearning intervention, individuals and organizations gain the confidence of Self-resourcefulness and Discernment in taking decisions and developing themselves or teams.
Traditionally, organizational learning and development interventions have always focused on the visible, concrete, “main event” components of learning: face-to-face programs/workshops or virtual training -that introduce new concepts, skills, tools, and behaviors. However, a significant component of the learning intervention—the ongoing sustainment and reinforcement of the new knowledge and behaviors—is often neglected or overlooked. Failing to sustain and reinforce desired behavior changes often results in a less-than-full yield—a marginal return on the original investment. It becomes more a ‘spray and pray’ approach than a ‘sustain to attain’ approach.
Experience teaches that for learning initiatives to be successful, they need to be structured with the learning environment, with the nature of the work, and with the work styles and capabilities of the team who will ‘sustain’ the learning (managers, Change agents, leaders, work-flow champions etc)
Hence the question asked in every individual/organization that KeyLearning will engage with are the following:
• Is the organizational need that is aimed to be addressed linked with the organizational strategy? (Relevance). Learning/developmental interventions will not lead to success as they are not powered by the strategic intent and insight and hence, easily de-valued and discarded with passage of time.
• What is the level of the audience who will be targeted for the learning/developmental intervention? (Reach). Ideal audience include those who exclusively contribute to the success of the organization through subject-matter expertise, leadership or as change-agents.
• Who or what will be deployed for sustaining this new knowledge or changed learning environment across the organization? (Resources). Organizations/teams that properly plan and are willing to invest in and continue to allocate resources for sustaining the outcomes of the learning/development interventions meet success more frequently and in good measure.
These are the clients that KeyLearning endeavors to partner with. In case the client does not bring clarity to the above, we will engage with them first to help them understand the importance of these three-pointed approach (Relevance, Reach and Resources) and how it benefits them in the long run. This also means in the corollary that KeyLearning will respectfully walk away from engagements where these are compromised
There are many training organisations across India and the world. Most of them offer training sessions that improve the knowledge of the students. We want to be different in ensuring that the awareness of the competencies of the students are improved, to ensure relevance and rigor of work output all through their changing scenarios in life and work. Hence all work that we do are deeply researched and in close tandem with the organization/student to ensure complete customization to their need. This is what leads to real change of behaviour and work output.
What and how are the challenges so far? How did you overcome them?
Our work area is India and the Middle East. The major challenge in India has been the lack of proper learning architecture in many organisations- where training is an activity than a change management initiative.
1. However, our approach has been to having a deep business-outcome linked conversation with CHROs, CXOs about the need of skilling people as a key determinant of success that has proved to be successful.
Hence we have been able to work with more than 17 different industries in our past 2.5 years of establishment and
2. The second approach of overcoming this challenge is the quality and depth of the consultants and experts we have on board for our work. All our faculty members have at least 20 years of work experience and have handled responsibilities in Operations, Training and HR in Fortune 500 companies and hence they are able to make the expected impact in organisation change and consulting work. This is the reason why we are called back by these top companies to work with them year on year.
3. We are certified in all the Global learning and consulting certifications and this helps us get access to First in Class and Best IN Class material and methods to impact our clients.
Website: www.KeyLearning.in
Year of Founding: 2017