Name: Kerstin Recker
Business Name: Pelihealth
Location: Miami , USA
Establishment (Year): 2021
Category/Industry: Health & Wellness
Profession/ Specialty: Co-Founder & Advocate for Women's Health
Social Media: LinkedIn
Company Detail:
The Peli Health mission is to transform pelvic health through an all-encompassing care management platform. We empower women with reliable, evidence-based education, a supportive community, and care. Comprising of;
o medically reviewed content
o on-demand pelvic programs
o pelvic care products
o a supportive community.
Unique Selling Proposition or Competitive Advantage:
Many resources on pelvic health are often presented in complex medical journals, making them challenging to comprehend or not relatable. We present information in an informative, relatable, and engaging manner for easy consumption. We offer guides to support and educate, and pelvic programs that can be done at home, how, and when it suits you. Peli health adopts an integrative and proactive approach to pelvic health.
Challenges Faced During the Journey:
The journey towards efficient pelvic care is often fraught with obstacles, including fragmented and unrelatable information, geo-location accessibility, and prohibitive costs. Peli health was conceived through our personal struggles. The inspiration behind Peli health stemmed from our personal experiences. One of us endured severe postpartum pelvic pain, which led to months of doctor visits and exhaustive searches before finding suitable care. The other felt unprepared for the changes in pelvic health that come with aging, with limited proactive educational resources available.
Recognizing that 1 in 3 women experience pelvic health issues in their lifetime, we felt compelled to draw on our careers working in technology, digital solutions, sales, and marketing to make a global impact on women's health.
Advice for Women Entrepreneurs:
Be tenacious, surround yourself with positive like-minded people, and know that the challenges you will face are opportunities to overcome, don't give in.