Name: Karishma Adawade
Business Name: Wholesomebasket Marketing Pvt., Ltd.
Location: Mumbai, India
Establishment (Year): 2018
Profession/ Specialty: Business development and Marketing
Company Detail:
This is a healthy snacks manufacturing company and marketer. Their brand is NutriSnacksBox. They manufacture absolutely healthy snacks which is high in protein and fibre.
Unique Selling Proposition / Competitive Advantage:
Their main USP to uplift their business is that they manufacture Fibre-rich and protein-rich snacks.
Challenges faced during the Journey:
They are good at product development and in branding themselves but are facing difficulties in Marketing.
Advice for Women Entrepreneurs:
Karishma would like to advice all female enrepreneurs to just believe in themselves and dedicate themselves to achieve a mission of the company, as according to her, success is not so far.