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Jessica Shelley : Winner of the 2024 Great Companies International women Entrepreneur Award

Great Companies

Name: Jessica Shelley

Business Name: Dailies, Inc.

Location: Gulfport , USA

Establishment (Year): 4

Category: Education

Profession/ Specialty: Education

Social Media: Linkedin

Company Detail:

Finding and fixing learning gaps, daily, through a gamified microlearning app and online interactive small group classes with certified teachers.

Unique Selling Proposition or Competitive Advantage:

Personalized learning that is focused on providing teachers AND parents with actionable insights. People purchase their product and service over other options because they have fully certified teachers and incorporate daily progress reports, written by the teachers.

Challenges Faced During the Journey

The founder had to overcome not being from a traditional business background. Before starting and now leading the company, they were a classroom teacher. They had to navigate the business world when people often dismissed their experience because they were seen sometimes as "just a teacher".

Advice for Women Entrepreneurs:

Stay true to yourself and don't sacrifice your vision and mission. There are a lot of people with opinions about a lot of things, but what you create and put out in the world should be protected. You don't have to listen to everyone's (or anyone's) advice.

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