Name: Jane Downes
Business Name: Clearview Coaching Group
Location: Dublin Ireland , Ireland
Category: Training & Coaching
Profession/ Specialty: Coaching/Training Services- Career Performance
Social Media : Linkedin
Company Detail:
Their tried and tested coaching programmes have been created and built by Jane Downes, Clearview Founder and well-known author of "The Career Book - Help for the Restless Realist." Jane is one of Ireland's best-known career coaches and leadership performance specialists. Established in 2004, they are celebrating 20 years in business in 2024! They offer 1:1 coaching services to individuals and training/workshops and in-house coaching to corporate and non-corporate organisations.
Unique Selling Proposition or Competitive Advantage:
Their depth of experience, their business has been built on referrals and tailoring their work to each client or corporate client project. They get results for people! They drive career performance and are proud of it.
Challenges Faced During the Journey:
Having her own mentor, allocating time for strategic planning, and changing tack in terms of their offerings as the market and the world changes. Leadership agility, being able to respond to what their clients need!
Advice for Women Entrepreneurs:
Know what you want and get to work, dogged determination, and put a value on your time and service fees.