Name: Devi Nataraj
Business Name: TAARIKAA
Location: Chennai, India
Establishment (Year): 2000
Category/Industry: Legal & Accounting and Finance, Insurance
Profession/ Specialty: Advocate
Company Detail:
TAARIKAA - is a legal consultant founded and run by professionals with the background of legal and psychology.
It has the pride of raising its concern with social oriented thoughts and is aimed to bring an awareness about the prevailing family laws in India, its merits, rights in resolving the family oriented problems legally and amicably.
The consultation are offered by professionals practising advocates and qualified psychologist/counsellors in various aspects of family law and personal law.
Unique Selling Proposition or Competitive Advantage:
Quality services
Challenges Faced During the Journey
Gained the confidence of people to reach to this place
Advice for Women Entrepreneurs:
Work hard be consistent in what you do put in 100% effort