Business Name: A+D DESIGN STUDIO
Location: LUCKNOW, India
Establishment (Year): 2009
Category/Industry: Construction, Real Estate and Architecture Services
Profession/ Specialty: Architect
Company details:
I did my Bachelor of Architecture from GCA Lucknow, during my bachelor’s degree my focus is to design with nature. Then I passed Gate Examination and applied for master’s in landscape architecture in one of the best institutes in India, I got a selection in School of planning and architecture New Delhi. During master’s we have worked on various master planning projects in urban, Domestic, Regional level and successfully completed my masters in landscape architecture and got the Gold Medal for the Best Outgoing student year and recipient of the Narendra Juneja Gold Medal for the Best Thesis Project 2011, Department of Landscape architecture, New Delhi. After working for 8 years with two of the largest and most prominent landscape architecture firms in the India and started my own firm A + D Design Studio. I have gained extensive design experience on many notable hotels, resorts, residential developments throughout India and have had the opportunity to work with foreign Architects and many other Private Developers and Private Corporates. Landscape architecture focuses on the relationship between people and the environment. As the world’s population grows the pressure on our resources increases. People are more aware nowadays of the importance of preserving the environment and because of this, landscape architecture is now viewed as more important than it used to be in architecture, we keep building design & planning in mind, but landscape has been ignored considerably, I think it is a very important parameter. Regeneration of polluted areas, Climate change and pollution are severely affecting freshwater supply in many areas. The endangerment of wetlands is an especially big problem because they have a lot of biological diversity, filter stormwater and control floods. Landscape architecture protects wetlands and seeks solutions to provide storm-water management in a natural way. Landscape is a very important factor for the benefit of our environment, that's why I took my business forward, we work on projects ranging in size from large-scale master planning commissions to mid-sized institutions to small urban interventions. Regardless of scale or typology, our multi-disciplinary design staff create environmentally advanced, technical projects, promoting greater social engagement and ecology for every project.
Unique selling proposition/ competitive advantage:
• Provide design excellence throughout every aspect of each project • Procure good quality projects that offer challenges with rewarding results • Ensure a proactive approach through all aspects of business • Establish strong working relationships with reputable Clients • Be available for Clients Offer competitive and reasonable professional fees • Be successful and profitable • Pay extra special attention to detail • Hire knowledgeable, good quality and trustworthy staff • Promote an environmental design approach as appropriate for each project • Be flexible and unique in business approach • Offer casual and an enjoyable work environment
Challenges faced during the journey:
As a Landscape architect the challenge we have always faced”—defining and communicating what landscape architecture is, both to the public and to other design professionals, to ensure that the value of landscape architects’ work is understood and recognized. Other recurring topics included the economy, finding work, dealing with limited project budgets, competition, climate change, and water scarcity. Though such challenges can seem insurmountable at times, there is still a great deal of optimism to be found. For some, “There has never been a better time to be a landscape architect.” And as one respondent put it: “Today we have great opportunities to redefine public spaces, as the value of parks and innovative open space design are in the news and have the eyes of the public. We need to use this momentum and set the standard for excellent open space design; these are exciting times for landscape architects!”
Advice for women entrepreneurs:
Follow 4 D's Desire, Dedication, Determination and Discipline. Don't believe in Luck, Believe in Hard work.