Business Name: Cresory.
Name: Carla Cabello López.
Location: Madrid, Spain.
Establishment (Year): 2022.
Category / Industry: Education and E-Learning.
Sub Category / Sub Industry: E-learning.
Number of employees: 1-10 employees..
Website URL:
LinkedIn URL:
Company Detail:
Cresory is a digital solution for kids to learn finance by playing! Through an e-learning program with gamification, they teach Children between 8 and 12 years old to save, invest and manage budgets.
The solutions to Customer problems:
They are solving the lack of financial education in society. Spain is ranked in position number 10 out of 15 according to the PISA analysis on how well educated they are on financial topics such as savings, investments, and how to manage a budget.
Also, 85% of millennials in the world agreed that they don’t feel ready to manage their finances. In Spain, 60% of stress root causes are due to financial problems and 40% of the Spanish population doesn’t know what the inflation rate means.
They communicate through WebApp via Digital marketing (SEO, CRM, and social media)
Unique Value Proposition:
The combination of 3 worlds: education, finance, and gamification. What makes them unique it’s that their content is validated by pedagogical experts, and kids will be able to interact with their friends and will have gamification.
Target Market:
The parents of 8-12 years old children.
Company’s Internal Objectives related to innovation, customer service, and operational excellence:
Most innovative products/services.
Invest a certain amount in innovation.
A customer’s review:
Reliable products/services, Most innovative products/services.
Benefits to Employees:
Positive Work Environment.
Offer Training and Development.
Community / Society Service:
They give back knowledge that it's valuable to reduce debt and stress conditions due to financial problems.