Name of Company: Betamonks Technology Factory Private Limited
Founder Name: Dr. Senthamarai Gokulakrishnan
Can you provide us with a description of your business? What was the purpose of starting this business? What issue did it want to solve?
BETAMONKS is a Technology Accelerator specialized in building process automations and integrated platforms.We offer tailor-made software solutions, software development outsourcing, consulting. We engage with clients across various domains like education, healthcare, manufacturing, entertainment, logistics, banking and financial services and
How is it different from other competitors?
We started BETAMONKS to support entrepreneurs to co-create their products/solutions using our product building expertise. We help our clients to solve complex challenges with reliable and agile digital solutions.
What and how are the challenges so far? How did you overcome them?
We believe in breaking the mold to access new horizons, expanding to other georgraphies was the initial challenge but we successfully have succeeded that challenge as well
because of our unique business model
Website: www.betamonks.com
Year of Founding: 2012