Great Companies: Please tell me something about the business and how did you come up with such an idea?
Aviad Efrat: My business is all about framing, canvas, and paintings. I came up with this idea because no one started this kind of business here in Australia. It was risky at first but everything is worth it because we made our business grow an up until now we are the only company who is doing this kind of service. And we are servicing Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth.
Great Companies: What are the various services and products provided by your company?
Aviad Efrat: We support mobile services where we go to place to make collections or meetings with the client and let them decide what they want from their artworks. We also provide free pickup and delivery depending on the location.
Great Companies: Why should one choose you over others in this field?
Aviad Efrat: They should choose us as we provide more options to our clients, we let them decide what they want, and we also give our clients affordable prices.
Great Companies: What are the struggles and challenges you face?
Aviad Efrat: The only struggle and challenging part with this kind of business is that there are some clients are going to cancel with their bookings sometimes. And they are doing that once the framer is in their location already. But we are still lucky that we are still operating during this pandemic crisis.
Great Companies: What do you think are the few main things which are most important for a successful business?
Aviad Efrat: Patience and courage and also you need to trust and love your employee at the same time. Because they are the one who is helping me making my company grow.