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Arti Rameshwar Yadav, Founder at GullakNinja

Great Companies: How did you get your idea or concept for the business?

Arti Rameshwar Yadav : In conversations with friends & Family I always heard stories where people were cursing their investments in MFs, Insurance etc. while on the other hand I was managing portfolios of HNIs which were perfectly doing well. The difference is expert advice and human touch. However, Financial Planners are expensive and hence the idea of GullakNinja was born. Everybody deserves this beautifully structured money management system to avoid being mis sold products by agents and to achieve their financial goals.

These days everything is available on Google and we are spoilt for choice, but yet we need to consult doctors, Nutritionists, Personal Trainers for expert advice as half-baked knowledge is dangerous and hence GullakNinja to your rescue.

Great Companies: What are the various Services provided by GullakNinja

Arti Rameshwar Yadav : Workshops on Money Management, Financial Planning & Wealth Management

Great Companies: What makes GullakNinja different from hundreds of other Money Management Firms?

Arti Rameshwar Yadav :

We do not discriminate on the basis of Gender, Income level, Age and profession. Our knowledge is open for all and it doesn’t matter where you come from and where you are heading to, we help you learn the art of Money Management, something that every individual requires.

Great Companies: What are the struggles and challenges you face?

Arti Rameshwar Yadav : Honestly Ego. Everyone feels they know it all. There are AI based platforms and Google to answer all their questions.

Great Companies: How do you plan to grow in the future? What does 5 years down the line look like for GullakNinja?

Arti Rameshwar Yadav : We look forward to educate a minimum of 10K people across India about the basics of financial planning and financial instruments. In the next 5 years we want to reach beyond the big cities to the upcoming Tier-I cities and beyond.

MoneyManagement Sorted for all

Great Companies: If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?

Arti Rameshwar Yadav : Focus on 1 step at a time and not the ladder. The journey becomes very beautiful and rewarding at the same time.

1 comment

1 Comment

Alok Kumar
Alok Kumar
Aug 24, 2021

Good to see you in action , wish you all the very best

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