Name: Anju Jayaram
Business Name: Women's Web
Location: Bangalore, India
Establishment (Year): 2019
Category: Advertising & Marketing
Profession/ Specialty: Entrepreneurship and content
Social Media : LinkedIn
Company Detail:
Women's Web (registered as Vocallea Networks) operates in the space of enabling inclusive workplaces through its offerings, Content Architecture & Creation, Research, Events, and Experiences. The work spans creating and operationalizing a digital media platform ( as well as connecting women & under-included communities to opportunities & organizations that are investing in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. Only 19% of Indian women are part of the paid workforce in any capacity. Yet, this is not the whole story. 75% of Indian women surveyed express their desire for a larger income.
The mission is to help increase the participation of urban Indian women in the paid workforce by empowering 1 lakh women with content, learning, gigs, and opportunities.
Unique Selling Proposition or Competitive Advantage:
Connects organizations to the community of women, in their capacity as consumers, decision-makers & potential employees.
Offers organizations high-quality content, events, research & experiences at scale, using project-specific skilled resources from the community.
Challenges Faced During the Journey:
Women's Web has worked in the space of empowering women through content, opportunities, Networks since 2010 and built a database of 1 lakh women at work (entrepreneurs, freelancers, and corporate). The organization has pivoted and grown, whether it was taking the flagship Network for women entrepreneurs to 9 cities across India, building a multi-language contributor-led platform which has 20,000 women as contributors, etc.
Advice for Women Entrepreneurs:
The advice would be to follow one's passion but always be realistic about it. If the vision is not panning out in a set time duration, one should pivot, look at other opportunities, and look forward.