Great Companies: What are the various services and products that you provide?
Abhishek Gupta: We are primarily a manufacturing organization. We are currently manufacturing products made of stainless steel. Our primary market is stainless steel utensils. We manufacture hollow ware utensils for the market. Also, we undertake research, design, development, and manufacturing for Defense Labs for their unique needs. This work is primarily in the area of sheet metal products.
We also have a business of manufacturing products made of stainless steel wire. These products are used in modular kitchens. We have developed a unique racking system made of stainless steel wire which is unique for India and has tremendous benefits in the Indian context. However, this product is currently not manufactured in India and we are one of the few organizations that have the capability of manufacturing it.
Great Companies: How do you ensure the efficiency of your work?
Abhishek Gupta: To ensure efficiency in the organizational setup we have a daily and monthly team meeting within our organization. These meetings help us to create a tactical plan for the current work at our hand and the prospective work that would be coming in the next month. Being a small team we are able to synchronize our organizational goals and customer expectations through such a system.
Great Companies: Why do your customers select you over your competitors?
Abhishek Gupta: Innovative and quality products. We constantly focus on delivering unique and good quality products to our customers. We try to study the new upcoming products that are used across the world in our industry and then work out which products would be feasible in the Indian market. After this, we do a techno-commercial study to ascertain the viability of such a product. It is this long term focus and honestly working towards it which helps our customers to stay with us.
Great Companies: What are the major issues faced while running this business?
Abhishek Gupta: The major issues that are faced are finance and the lack of focus on quality by the customers. The finance for an MSME manufacturer in India is always a problem when customers don't meet their payment schedule. Also, the customers need to be educated on the quality of products rather than their extreme focus on the price of the product.