Friends, if you do not know what Male and Female mean, then let us tell you that male means male, which is called a man in common parlance. And female means a woman, which is usually called a woman in colloquial language. There are Male (male) which we call Purush or Man and Female is female whom we call Woman or Woman. Male is a masculine word while female is a feminine word.
Female means woman or woman. Let us tell you that female is a feminine word which means female. Apart from this, the female is called by many names which include the words Nari, Maada, Stree, Tiriya, Triya, Khatoon and Stree.
There are males (males) whom we call men or men and females are females whom we call women or women. If you understand it easily, the female who is female is able to give a child while men cannot do so because the reproductive system of male and female ie male and female is different.
Woman is called female in English language and female is called Khatoon in Urdu language, let us tell you that woman is called woman or woman. A woman can be in any stage whether she is a teenager or a girl. Generally, a young woman is called a girl in India and an older female is called a woman and when a female is in a young age, she is also called a daughter.